Episodio 1: El fugitivo
Pre-Lectura 1
Silvana Rivapalacios Altamirano de Villaseñor es una mujer rica. Ella vive en Miami con sus tres hijas y su marido.
La vida de Silvana y la de sus hijas María José, Angie, y Lupita es lujosa. La abuela, Trini, vive con ellas. No
tienen que preocuparse por el dinero.
A Silvana le gusta jugar al golf con amigas o ir al gimnasio todos los días. También le gusta salir a comer en
restaurantes con su marido, Antonio José Villaseñor. El esposo es un exitoso hombre de negocios en Miami. Parece
ser una pareja perfecta. Sin embargo, un día, todo cambia drásticamente. La familia de Silvana, o “Chivis” como
sus amigos le llaman, tiene un grave problema.
Puede ser buena suerte o mala suerte, pero ellas conocen a otra familia, la de Manuel Gallardo. Manuel es viudo
y tiene cuatro hijos. Él es dueño de un negocio, una terminal pesquera. La relación entre las dos familias va a
ser un poco problemática.
¿Quién será el fugitivo y por qué?
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Segmento de video 1A
Silvana starts her day reading her horoscope. The girls tell her news from school. Angie reminds her a woman at school says the tuition has not been paid.
Segmento de video 1B
Silvana wonders why her oldest daughter, a college student, is not ready for school. It appears that
María José is not very studious and is not attending. Also, she feels she will not need to work once she marries her boyfriend, Andrés.
Segmento de video 1C
Silvana meets her friends and discusses her plans to visit an island with her husband for their anniversary.
Segmento de video 1D
SIlvana has no idea what has happened but her mother is not concerned. Then, Silvana cannot believe her eyes or her ears. She wonders why the lawyer didn’t tell her.
Segmento de video 1E
Andrés has just begun to work as a professor. His classes start next week. María José will be jealous of his female students at the university.
Segmento de video 1F
Silvana looks for a new home to rent. We meet Manuel, the owner of a fishing business, which has just won a big prize for sales. His son Vicente works with him.
Segmento de video 1G
Stella, the woman who wants to be Manuel’s full time girlfriend, is telling him she is tired of waiting. Vicente his son encourages him to start dating again.
¿Qué pasará en el próximo episodio?
Silvana y su familia necesitan dónde vivir. No obstante, no tienen mucho dinero. Es necesario buscar casa o
apartamento para rentar. Silvana es una mujer muy fuerte. Ella tiene que luchar para salir adelante. Su madre,
Trini, no es tan fuerte. Siente mucho perder todos los bienes de su vida lujosa. ¿Estará bien la abuela?
María José, la hija mayor, tampoco es fuerte. No quiere revelar a su novio, Andrés, lo de su papá. Ella tiene
La familia de Manuel es muy amable. De inmediato, todos ellos quieren ayudar a sus nuevas vecinas. Pero, la
relación entre Silvana (“Chivis”) y Manuel es tensa.
¿Qué pasará con el marido de Silvana, Antonio José?
¿Necesitas ayuda para entender? Haz clic aquí.
Segmento de video 1A
Silvana starts her day reading her horoscope. The girls tell her news from school. Angie reminds her a woman at school says the tuition has not been paid.
Mejor no te levantes.
Best not to get up.
to have breakfast
las tres cartas de la escuela
the three letters from school
Es un asunto de tu papá.
Your dad will handle that.
la lonchera
the lunch box
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Segmento de video 1B
Silvana wonders why her oldest daughter, a college student, is not ready for school. It appears that María José is not very studious and is not attending. Also, she feels she will not need to work once she marries her boyfriend, Andrés.
Me choca contabilidad.
I am really bad in my accounting class.
La Administración Hotelera
Hotel Management
Para viajar.
To travel.
Qué cortante.
(You’re) so short with me.
Un beso.
A kiss.
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Segmento de video 1C
Silvana meets her friends and discusses her plans to visit an island with her husband for their anniversary.
Tú nunca tienes que hacer nada
You never have anything you have to do
las islas
the islands
Soy yo.
It’s me.
spouse (masc./fem.)
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Segmento de video 1D
SIlvana has no idea what has happened but her mother is not concerned. Then, Silvana cannot believe her eyes or her ears. She wonders why the lawyer didn’t tell her.
Escucha. Préstame atención.
Listen. Pay attention to me.
Una orden de embargo.
A warrant to seize all material items for debts owed.
No puedo creer.
I can’t believe this.
Háblale al abogado.
Talk to the lawyer.
Vendió la casa hace tres meses.
He sold the house 3 months ago.
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Segmento de video 1E
Andrés has just begun to work as a professor. His classes start next week. María José will be jealous of his female students at the university.
Estar celoso(a)
To be jealous
Nos quedamos en la calle.
We’re going to be out on the street.
Lo único que nos queda…
All that we have left
la cama, la camioneta, y la ropa
The bed, the SUV, and clothes
No tengo la menor idea.
I haven’t a clue.
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Segmento de video 1F
Silvana looks for a new home to rent. We meet Manuel, the owner of a fishing business, which has just won a big prize for sales. His son Vicente works with him.
Tres mil dólares
Three thousand dollars
La ubicación
The location
Cambiar de vecindario
Change neighborhoods
Pescado, mejillones
Fish (seafood), mussels
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Segmento de video 1G
Stella, the woman who wants to be Manuel’s full time girlfriend, is telling him she is tired of waiting. Vicente his son encourages him to start dating again.
Es una chulada
She’s really a hottie.
Es solamente una amiga.
She’s only a friend.
Mi jefa falleció hace ocho años
My “boss” (slang for “mother”) died 8 years ago
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